Juan Camilo Campos Villamil

Juan Camilo Campos Villamil

Audit & Assurance Partner

Natural Resources

Executive Summary

Profile and Summary of Experience

Juan has more than 15 years of experience. His experience has included his participation and supervision of various audit assignments and consulting projects mainly in Oil & Gas companies.

Juan has led external audit and tax audit work under IFRS and USGAAP standards; Likewise, he has participated in the review and evaluation of internal control under SOX standards, and the design and implementation of accounting, administrative and financial systems and manuals, among others.

Juan is also a facilitator of different courses on accounting and auditing standards; He is also a professor in the Specialization of International Financial Accounting at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.


  • Spanish - Native
  • English - Advanced

Education and Certifications

  • Public Accountant - Externado University of Colombia
  • IFRS Certification - ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales)

Main sectors of experience

  • Oil and Gas
  • Telecommunications
  • Manufacturer
  • Mass Consumption