External Audit (accounting and financial)

External Audit (accounting and financial)

The overall objective is to provide a professional and independent opinion as external auditors on your company's results.
Evaluate and verify the processes and management of public utility service providers; validate the quality of the results with the participation of specialized professionals in financial, legal, and technical operations.
John Jairo Lache Chac贸n

John Jairo Lache Chac贸n

Lead Audit and Assurance Partner
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Leonardo Soto Lesmes

Leonardo Soto Lesmes

Audit & Assurance Partner
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Jessica Bedoya Builes

J茅ssica Bedoya Builes

Audit & Assurance Partner
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V铆ctor Manuel Ram铆rez Vargas

V铆ctor Manuel Ram铆rez Vargas

Audit & Assurance Partner
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